Sunday, January 29, 2012

Welcome to Guatemala!

I’m currently sitting in a food court of sorts at the Guatemala City airport. Luckily Puja, the other fourth year on the trip, is here with me so I have company while we wait out the 8ish hours between our flight arriving and our bus departing. We’re taking an overnight bus to Flores (northern Guatemala) to avoid paying for a flight up there (poor students). When we arrive in Flores, we’ll meet up Ismael (program manager for Sew Hope in Guatemala), who will drive us the hour or so to our first clinic site. When we arrive there, it will cap off about 27 hours of traveling for me. And we’ll celebrate with a full day of clinic. The crazy thing is that I’m actually really excited.

I’m planning to post soon (hopefully later today?) with background on the trip, plans for our project, and details of why in the world I decided it was a good idea to up and leave for Guatemala for 6 weeks. I’m not going to lie, when I was trying to pack, say goodbyes, and prepare myself last night I got kind of overwhelmed and questioned it myself. But I know that this trip is going to be an amazing experience for me, and hopefully make a huge difference in the lives of some others. Can’t wait to share it with you! I’ll try to write semi-regularly over the next 6 weeks, but sometimes the posts might come a few days apart depending on internet access.